Bring Kintail back home or to the classroom! Print out one of these activities to do after your trip to Kintail and remember to enjoy nature in your own neighbourhood!
Free Printable Colouring Pages!
Find Christmas Colouring Pages for kids as well as Summer Camp colouring pages here! Just click the one you’d like, right click, save the image and print it for hours of fun!
Free Printable Nature Bingo Cards by Season
Go for a walk in your neighbourhood or a nearby conservation area and see what you can spot! Can you see signs that the seasons may be changing? What’s something unique or interesting you maybe haven’t seen before? Are the things you find different in the morning or at night? Enjoy these free printable cards and encourage your child or students to use the space above the words to draw what they find!
Nature & Summer Camp Word Searches
Rainbow Colouring Pages
Rainbow Nature Walk
Go for a walk and point out what you see in all the different colours! This is perfect for any time of year and is an ultimate memory version of eye-spy. When you get home, have a snack and colour what you saw to fill in your rainbow sheet! Write a few of the objects/ things for extra spelling practice! You can use a sheet like this after fun trips too (A zoo, the park, an aquarium, the library, etc.) to create colourful memory keepers!
Rainbow Prayer
Print out the free rainbow colouring page and then have your camper draw/ colour all the things they are thankful for by colour! This is an excellent way to introduce children to gratitude practices, and it is honestly a lovely thing to do for yourself as well!
Alphabet Scavenger Hunt
Bring your alphabet scavenger out with you to practice your spelling and keep children engaged the next time you go out for a walk! When you get home, draw a picture of what you saw! Were some letters harder to find than others? What things did you find that start with the same letter as your name? What was the coolest thing you saw today? Take time to be curious and point out the things around you!
Try the summer camp crossword or test your knowledge with all things Kintail by trying out the Kintail Crossword Puzzle!